7 Lessons For Leaders From Downton Abbey
Downton Abbey is a smash hit on PBS Classics. Downton Abbey is a series portaying the life and struggles of the Crawley Family in England before, during and after WWI. The show is a fantastic Venue to compare the lot and activities of the upper class and the working class. The show is a great […]
Everyone Listens to WIIFM, In Case You Haven’t Heard This One?
My boss at Roto Rooter Rick Arquilla taught me this concept, Rick is now President of Roto Rooter Services Inc. WIIFM stands for what’s in it for me, everybody listens to WIIFM. The value of this to you as a manager or owner is that when you present changes or opportunities, or even in your […]
What do they expect? at a minimum realistic service!!!
I have had heard of several situations lately that have me scratching my head? I recently had a drive up window experience you can probably relate to. I purchased a meal and when the young lady handed me the bag it was dripping so much grease that it got on the console of my car and […]
“Check Your Drawers ” What’s it about???
Have you ever heard someone say “Get Your Head In the Game!” well Check Your Drawers is essentially about that. I had to go through a temporary demotion from district to unit manager before I realized the difference of being a boss and being the manager. That is why I said on the cover “What […]
Training Your Way To the Bank
Training Your Way to the Bank When we think about training employees we tend to think about learning styles and needs analysis, surveys, performance appraisals, focus groups and advisory committees. What? That wasn’t what came to your mind? Oh well, not to worry, it all really is common sense, but don’t tell the HR professionals […]
” Who is my neighbor? I mean Co-worker?
In the Bible in Luke Chapter 10 a man who was an expert in the law asked Jesus the famous question that has inspired the Good Samaritan Laws all over the world two thousand years later. I submit the question to you in terms of the workplace? Who is my Co-worker? The story that […]
Managing Moments of Truth
Managing the Moments of Truth in your business is the key to success or failure, whether you believe it or not! Whether it is the Supply house with a pothole bigger than a truck, or a daycare with no one shoveling the ice and snow in a storm, or the promise of a delivery date […]
Controlling Costs of Workers Comp and Unemployment Taxes
Controlling costs, two that most don’t and never knew how! Let’s talk about controling costs !!!!!! I have been calling on business owners for the last 16 years and have only had about 5 % who actually know what SUTA stands for and what their current tax rate is for it. SUTA is the acronym […]
Sales Reps, Who Needs Them?
Sales Reps; how to make time for them, and why! I challenge you to walk around your company location and make a list of any purchases that were not made through some form of sales, either direct mail, catalogues or sales representatives. Sales Rep Calling on Prospect I have been in management for years […]
Decrease in Productivity?
Feeding the Hog! In my last post I mentioned that I was going to tell about a decrease in productivity and the story of “Feeding the Hog” which I heard from the Esteemed Dan Mollaun V.P. of Human Resources with Roto Rooter. The story goes like this, once upon a time there was a large […]