Bob Eaton at Anchor HR PEO

Bob Eaton Owner of Anchor Human Resources a PEO Brokerage representing over 20 PEO’s nationwide with several different benefit options, carriers, and workers compensation plans is an Alumni of Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations 2007 . Bob has been a C.O.O. , Division Manager, Regional Operations Manager , District Manager and Human Resources Manager for a national automotive chain. Since 1995 he has been providing Professional Employer solutions to hundreds of small businesses. With his 20 years experience selling Tens of Millions of dollars worth of PEO services working with hundreds of companies and has contracted with many of the nations top PEO’s who offer National coverage, Full range of Employee Benefits, 401k, Employment Practices Liability Insurance, Full Safety and Risk Management, and Professional Legal and H.R. advice available 24/7. These are the things that a real top notch PEO bring to the table. Fortune 500 H.R. and Benefits on a prorata basis for your company.

Bob Eaton moved back to Marion, IL. in 1995 after spending twenty years in Corporate Management having served as a Chief Operating Officer, Division Manager, Regional Manager, District Manager and H.R. Manager. Since then Bob has been selling H.R. related Consulting services particularly PEO Brokering ( Employee benefits, Payroll services and workers compensation) along with managing several turnarounds of small businesses through his Management Consulting service.

If you aren’t sure that you have the best price and options your company deserves give us a call or email and schedule a free consultation to find out more about what you need and how we can place your business with a top provider of professional services while saving you time and money. We get compensated by the Service Providers and our services don’t cost you a dime. Here is our question to you ” do you ever shop and get competitve bids on your benefits, workers comp and payroll services or do you just assume you have the best possible deal??”