book-checkyourdrawers-350Have you ever heard someone say “Get Your Head In the Game!” well Check Your Drawers is essentially about that. I had to go through a temporary demotion from district to unit manager before I realized the difference of being a boss and being the manager. That is why I said on the cover “What your boss wishes you knew” My old buddy Mark Moody said when I got hired at Xpert Tune “ that man ain’t gonna pay you all that money so he can call up and tell you what to do all the time, he’s doing it so he can go do something else!”   My book “Check Your Drawers” is about getting your head in the game! The boss is paying you for your time so if you aren’t thinking about the job he isn’t getting what he paid for!

This is a collection of 76 chapters of lessons demonstrating the Aha! moments of becoming a thinking analytical manager and not a showing up boss. Thomas Aquinas wrote a whole book on Essence and Being. The essence is the part of us that is sitting in the manager’s chair, drinking the cup of coffee and reading reports. The Being part of us is the part that is reading and extrapolating the report into positive and negative actions or results.

So many people get the essence part of being a manager in that they go out and buy a new wardrobe and briefcase. Maybe even a laptop, tablet computer or Smartphone. They have the essence of the job but not the being. Being in the frame of mind that is focused on and observing the actions before, during, and after the results so that they can analyze the whole chain of events. When you learn to have your being or thinking right you can walk into a room and sense what is going on and correct it on the spot.

Check Your Drawers is about the being of a manager. It is about getting your head in the game and learning to discern the obscure facts that are affecting the outcome that you are trying to manage.  My book is written in a folksy manner that is meant to stimulate the thinking part of being manager. There are 76 chapters filled with parable like stories to help you see things in action. Check Your Drawers is about taking your thought process and zeroing it in like a rifle site. If you are constantly getting things wrong and interpreting things wrong you are missing the mark. So if you are missing the targets all the time you need to get your thoughts and observations zeroed in on the right targets. By learning  “Stop, Look, and Listen, Back Azimuth and Photo Negative you will be changed forever in the way you perceive and interpret the events around you.

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