What do they expect? at a minimum realistic service!!!

I have had heard of several situations lately that have me scratching my head? I recently had a drive up window experience you can probably relate to. I purchased a meal and when the young lady handed me the bag it was dripping so much grease that it got on the console of my car and […]

Managing Moments of Truth

Managing the Moments of Truth in your business is the key to success or failure, whether you believe it or not! Whether it is the Supply house with a pothole bigger than a truck, or a daycare with no one shoveling the ice and snow in a storm, or the promise of a delivery date […]

Sales Reps, Who Needs Them?

Sales Reps; how to make time for them, and why!   I challenge you to walk around your company location and make a list of any purchases that were not made through some form of sales, either direct mail, catalogues or sales  representatives.  Sales Rep Calling on Prospect I have been in management for years […]

Pride goes before a fall !!!

I ran into a friend from back in my High School days. He had opened a business selling Motorcycles many years ago. We worked together at a Gas Station during highschool. His father owned the local fast food franchise some forty years ago. This friend and I began talking and he told me he had just shut down […]

What do they expect? at a minimum realistic service!!!

I have had heard of several situations lately that have me scratching my head? I recently had a drive up window experience you can probably relate to. I purchased a meal and when the young lady handed me the bag it was dripping so much grease that it got on the console of my car and […]

Should I buy a business or am I crazy?

I recently had a gentleman ask the question should I buy a business, or am I crazy? The answer is no, you are not crazy, and yes you should buy a business with certain caveats! I want to disclose here that I was a licensed Business Broker and I am writing this as personal, not […]

It’s not how fast you grow, but how well you grow fast!

While working at Xpert Tune we were trying very hard to expand the company and I was in charge of Human Resources. Having been given the task of hiring and training new managers for new stores that we were opening we would usually run an ad and receive over 100 resumes to choose from. We […]

What to do when asked for a price reduction?

First remember customers are not in business to be concerned what your costs are. Never respond immediately, say “I will have to get back with you on that!” and never give out detailed information that justifies the cost for your service or product and make sure your staff knows that this is a hard and fast […]