” Who is my neighbor? I mean Co-worker?
In the Bible in Luke Chapter 10 a man who was an expert in the law asked Jesus the famous question that has inspired the Good Samaritan Laws all over the world two thousand years later. I submit the question to you in terms of the workplace? Who is my Co-worker? The story that […]
Managing Moments of Truth
Managing the Moments of Truth in your business is the key to success or failure, whether you believe it or not! Whether it is the Supply house with a pothole bigger than a truck, or a daycare with no one shoveling the ice and snow in a storm, or the promise of a delivery date […]
Increase Productivity Now!
Increase Productivity Now! The Hawthorne Effect’s well-documented phenomenon that affects many research experiments in social sciences. It is the process where human subjects of an experiment change their behavior, simply because they are being studied. This is one of the hardest inbuilt biases to eliminate or factor into the design. When I was hired […]
PEO? What is a Professional Employer Organization?
PEO’s function as Professional Trusted Advisors exactly like your Attorney, CPA, and Insurance Agent! PEO’s like your other Trusted Advisors provide professional expertise, advice, and indemnify you against exposure to risk from legal violations, accident damages, and negligence damages. The truth is that there is more exposure from having Employee’s than from any other business […]
End of February Sales Decline! Guess why?
Courtesy of Drugwatch.com It is your responsibility to know the times and the seasons of your company’s sales cycle. Especially when it has a seasonal sales decline. You alone are responsible for knowing when business is going to be good when it’s not going to be good, then how many employees to put on staff for […]
Pride goes before a fall !!!
I ran into a friend from back in my High School days. He had opened a business selling Motorcycles many years ago. We worked together at a Gas Station during highschool. His father owned the local fast food franchise some forty years ago. This friend and I began talking and he told me he had just shut down […]