Sales Reps, Who Needs Them?
Sales Reps; how to make time for them, and why! I challenge you to walk around your company location and make a list of any purchases that were not made through some form of sales, either direct mail, catalogues or sales representatives. Sales Rep Calling on Prospect I have been in management for years […]
It’s not how fast you grow, but how well you grow fast!
While working at Xpert Tune we were trying very hard to expand the company and I was in charge of Human Resources. Having been given the task of hiring and training new managers for new stores that we were opening we would usually run an ad and receive over 100 resumes to choose from. We […]
Management Depth, Can we Really Do That?
While serving as H.R. Director at the automotive Service Chain back in the late 1980’s we had just grown our company rapidly from 12 to 25 stores and the owner wanted to buy out a large competitor out west with 244 stores for around $70 million dollars.
How to diversify your Business to grow sales and increase stability!
Most people understand what it means to diversify so don’t resent me for giving a simple definition for the beginners. To diversify your business is to create or acquire a new product or service to offer your existing customer base. If your intention is to acquire a new customer base then to me you are […]