Are you hiring the Body or the Brain, your interview questions reveal the truth.
This is about the interviewing process and the lack of problem solving questions. Tending to hire the Essence of the employee (commonly known as a Warm Body) and not the being (the curious, questioning, challenging thinker)? Currently it appears that Employee Engagement dominates in the interview process. However all experienced H.R. managers know that […]
The Captain Goes Down With The Ship! In Business it’s not a choice!
The captain goes down with the ship” is the maritime concept and tradition that a sea captain holds ultimate responsibility for both his or her ship and everyone embarked on it, and he or she will die trying to save either of them. The concept may be expressed as “the captain always goes down with […]
Controlling Costs of Workers Comp and Unemployment Taxes
Controlling costs, two that most don’t and never knew how! Let’s talk about controling costs !!!!!! I have been calling on business owners for the last 16 years and have only had about 5 % who actually know what SUTA stands for and what their current tax rate is for it. SUTA is the acronym […]
Sales Reps, Who Needs Them?
Sales Reps; how to make time for them, and why! I challenge you to walk around your company location and make a list of any purchases that were not made through some form of sales, either direct mail, catalogues or sales representatives. Sales Rep Calling on Prospect I have been in management for years […]
Decrease in Productivity?
Feeding the Hog! In my last post I mentioned that I was going to tell about a decrease in productivity and the story of “Feeding the Hog” which I heard from the Esteemed Dan Mollaun V.P. of Human Resources with Roto Rooter. The story goes like this, once upon a time there was a large […]
Increase Productivity Now!
Increase Productivity Now! The Hawthorne Effect’s well-documented phenomenon that affects many research experiments in social sciences. It is the process where human subjects of an experiment change their behavior, simply because they are being studied. This is one of the hardest inbuilt biases to eliminate or factor into the design. When I was hired […]