Henry V Band of Brothers Speech
Henry V Band of Brothers Speech

Watch Now:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=680NlRI3v2I

This is how a leader should appear to his or her subordinates, follow the example of Shakespeare’s character in the true life story of Henry V. Watch the video and see the eloquence, boldness, and assurance that he gives to his army of  10,000 as they face 50,000 Frenchmen. The soldiers are discouraged and wishing they had more resources. This is a clip from a famous movie every single leader should watch several times. I have personally watched it at least 50 times. For those who watch the clip the answer to the question ” how did it turn out?” is he defeats the French and only looses 112 men and the French loose 10,000 and this is not counting the wounded. Quite a stunning victory for a true life story. Watch the video and look for the following traits in the King.

1.  A Leader should be Fearless.

2.  A Leader should be Confident.

3.  A Leader should be welcoming and inclusive to all in the group.

4.  A Leader should be reminding them that if we do well we will look back on these days with pride.

5.  A Leader should be putting it on the line with their subordinates.

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