I ran into a friend from back in my High School days. He had opened a business selling Motorcycles many years ago. We worked together at a Gas Station during highschool. His father owned the local fast food franchise some forty years ago. This friend and I began talking and he told me he had just shut down his business. After over twenty years in business one of the big box dealers set up and he dwindled away till finally having to shut the doors.I politely reminded him that I had called on him for consulting some 7 years ago or so.
He said “Yeah, I remember that but I was younger and didn’t believe I needed any help.” These are words that should be etched into Marble in the entrance to every business school! He was too confident about knowing all the potential pitfalls and lacked the foreward thinking that said ” Hey if a good competitor comes to town what would I do? How can I find out for sure how to compete and survive? We agreed to get together and talk somemore
about if there is still time to do something to save the business. I wish there was some way to discreetly let business owners find out about how to get help before they go under. Pride will keep too many owners from admitting that they don’t know everything!!!! that is what takes them down, being overconfident and not reading the market and keeping up with the trends. I want to take this opportunity to explain that many sales reps are full of resources regarding the market and what strategies other customers are using to overcome challenges. I personally have done 5 official management turnarounds that saved a company and two more internal location turnarounds at corporate locations. If you find yourself circling the drain don’t give up get some help. Call me if nothing else! an outsider can objectively look at your business without the emotional blinders and depressed attitude. There Turnaround people out there for small businesses just like the big corporations you read about. Don’t fall out of business into a debt trap that will leave you with regrets, get help! do it now!
you can reach Bob Eaton at 618-969-0695 or bobe@mychoice.net